Accounting Resources

Sub Recipient Accounting Procedures manual and Reimbursement Request Templates are currently being updated. Please call 832-927-4745 or contact Christine Tran ( or Akash Nair ( for immediate assistance in obtaining copies of these sub recipient financial support materials.

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is authorized under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. The primary objective of the CDBG program is the development of viable urban communities, principally for low-income persons through the provision of the following:

  • Decent housing
  • A suitable living environment
  • Economic opportunity

CDBG grantees are responsible for assuring that eligible activities meet one of the following three national objectives:

  1. Directly benefit low-income persons: The project must be located in a Harris County target area or serve an area within Harris County’s service area where at least 51 percent of the residents are low-income persons (Area Benefit), or must provide a direct benefit to Harris county individuals or families, the majority of whom are considered low income based on the median area income figures (Limited Clientele Benefit.)
  2. Aid in preventing slum or blight: The applicant must supply proof that the area meets the State or local government’s definition of slums and blight.
  3. Meet an urgent need: The activity provides a remedy to a serious and immediate health or welfare problem, such as a natural disaster; and there are no other funds available, and the problem is of a recent origin.