Harris County, as a recipient of federal funding, must administer its HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) in a manner that provides housing that is suitable from the standpoint of promoting greater choice of housing opportunities and facilitating and furthering full compliance with regulations established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the aforementioned programs. 

The purpose of this document is to describe the Harris County Community Services Department's (HCCSD), the Harris County administrator of HUD entitlement funding, housing policy objectives, the range of activities available to advance these objectives, and the manner in which those activities will be designed, evaluated, and selected for funding. The overall goal to these guidelines and standards is to ensure the development of quality affordable housing and achieve compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and policy objectives.

Harris County Affordable Housing Standards

Harris County Minimum Property Standards


Harris County Affordable Rental Housing Overview

Harris County Community Services (CSD) has invested resources in several affordable rental housing projects across Harris County. CSD is delighted to share Harris County’s Community Services Affordable Rental Housing Dashboard to provide an insight on affordable housing accomplishments and transparency regarding use of grant funds.

CSD Funded Affordable Rental Housing Map

Additional information about Affordable Housing

Our new Affordable Housing storymap includes an HCCSD Affordable Rental Housing Dashboard which has several features built in. The Dashboard will allow you to view affordable rental housing properties within Harris County by their corresponding Precinct, LMI Target Area, and Concerted Revitalization Area (CRA). You may explore other attributes such as grant type, funding allocation, and total units for each affordable rental housing property. The interactive embedded maps showcase HCCSD funded affordable rental projects, as well as the geographic distribution of other federally subsidized housing properties in Harris County.