Round 1

Round 1 Funding

Over $160 million in federal grant money has been awarded to the Harris County Community Services Department since Hurricane Ike made landfall in September of 2008. To date, approximately 500 homeowners living in Harris County (but outside the City of Houston) have received disaster recovery assistance (reconstruction or rehabilitation) for their Ike damaged homes.

Renters also benefitted from Round One funds with the rehabilitation of The Bridges/Ashford Santa Cruz property (452 units) and the newly constructed Temenos Place II, an 80 unit property for homeless and disabled households. Some of the non-housing projects completed include the Sylvan Beach Pavilion, the Leonel Castillo Community Center, emergency generator installations throughout the County, and millions in infrastructure improvements to roadways, parks, drainage systems, and water treatment facilities.

  1. Method of Distribution of Funds
  2. Round 1 Non-Housing Awards
  3. Harris County Disaster Recovery Program Rental Housing Projects
  4. Harris County Housing Disaster Recovery Program Single Family Rehabilitation
  5. CDBG Disaster Round 1 Non-Housing (as of 3-28-14)

Round 2

The Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DRP) grant funds were appropriated for Round 2.0 (Housing) and Round 2.2 (Non-Housing) by the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriation Act (Public Law 110-329) enacted on September 30, 2008, to facilitate disaster recovery, restoration, economic revitalization, and to affirmatively further fair housing, in accordance with Executive Order 12892, in areas affected by Hurricanes Dolly and Ike, which were Presidentially-declared major disaster areas under Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.).

Section 3

  1. Harris County Section 3 Plan

Non-Housing – Round 2.2

  1. List of Approved Non-Housing Projects
  2. Grant Agreement
  3. Grant Agreement – Amendment No. 1
  4. Grant Agreement – Amendment No. 2

Housing- Round 2.0

  1. List of Approved Housing Projects
  2. Grant Agreement
  3. Grant Agreement - Amendment No. 1
  4. Harris County Housing Guidelines

Fair Housing Activity Statement- Texas

  1. FHAST Form
  2. Anti-Nimbyism Policy and Action Plan

Round 2.2 Funding

  1. H-GAC Hurricane Ike recovery Information
  2. Harris County Housing Guidelines
  3. Round 2.2 Non-Housing Award Recommendations


HUD Reports - Ike/Dolly Performance Reports